Published: March 26, 2012

The kidnappers burnt the picture

World masterpiece - Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" burned. This is the opinion of European experts.

The painting "Scream" was stolen from a museum in Oslo in August last year, along with other creatures Munch "Madonna."

Specialists of the well-known Belgian company, which deals with the security of works of art, consider that both works were burned.

These conclusions result came after he was arrested the man, who was involved in the abduction of pictures. While acknowledging his guilt, he said he did not know where the fabric. As a result of the declaration specialists made a preliminary finding that the robber's accomplices after learning of his arrest, was burned, "Scream" and "Madonna" to hide its involvement in the theft.

Meanwhile, written in 1893, Munch painting "The Scream" is considered one of the vertices of expressionism. It is priceless. The artist painted four versions of "Scream," including a black and white lithograph. The most famous and the canonical version of the picture in 1994 was stolen from the National Gallery in Oslo. However, while painting was returned.

December 5, 2005

By JenKiriakos,  


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