Published: July 7, 2012

Conceptual Art

(From Lat. Conceptus - a thought, idea), conceptualism - one of the directions in the art of the avant-garde that emerged in the 1960s. Feature and K.. is the fundamental rejection of the idea of ​​translating the material, ie the reduction of art exclusively to the phenomena of consciousness (the 'art in the head ").
Conceptual Art rejected traditional forms of visual and artistic expression as a "distraction" from the perception and understanding of the proposed idea of ​​an artist. The conceptualist objects exist in the form of sketches, written or oral presentation of projects, short phrases or lengthy texts. At the same time serve as a tangible means of a pathogen representations; object of contemplation is the mental form. In accordance with the theory of conceptualist, art is replaced by the idea of ​​art, ie, reduced to the procedure of its determination within a particular context. "Proposals"
Conceptual Art have the character of formal tautologies and can not relate to any reality beyond them. Conceptualists often operated by different means of communication: the printed or handwritten text, audio and video, photography, filming, copying. Master conceptual artist sign systems are being introduced in the search for forms of fixation of ideas in non-artistic spheres (manipulation of formulas, use of tables, drawings, the inclusion of text elements, etc.).

Creative manifestation of Conceptual Art varied and include the creation of objects of art holding of shares, etc. The theory of Conceptual Art was influenced by the ideas of linguistic philosophy, logical positivism, the newest school of linguistics and psychology. The most influential association of conceptualist - the British group "Art - Language", published the magazine under the same name.

It was made by Terry Atkinson, Michael Baldwin, David Bainbridge, Harold Harrell, an American, Joseph Kosuth. Other prominent members of K and.: Ian Burn, Mel Remsden, Douglas Hyubler, Robert Barry, Les Levine, Sol Levitt, Ian Dibets, Hans Haacke.

In the Soviet Union, Conceptual Art emerged as part of the artistic underground. as opposed to formal resolution of traditional art. Group "Sretensky Boulevard," "Collective Action", "Female", etc. (1960-1970-s.) Practiced holding the shares and the creation of esoteric conceptual texts. The principles and basic methods of implementation of an artistic idea, and K.. influenced the emergence of social art, the aesthetic is inextricably intertwined political allusions and abstract information and linguistic theory.

However, the social-art is very significant trend was ironic, subjected to each of serious creative outwardly destructive phenomenon of reflection, and in this distinction, K., and how. and the social art, as well as the associated "postkontseptualistskih" trends (work groups, "World Champions", "avant-garde club", "Medical Hermeneutics").

By JenKiriakos,  


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