Published: December 29, 2014

Adonis art and painting

Adonis and Aphrodite - Adonis art and painting

José de Ribera. Adonis and Aphrodite (Venus). 1637. National Gallery of Palazzo Corsini. Rome

Adonis art and painting

Paolo Veronese. Venus and Adonis. 1580. Prado Museum. Madrid

Adonis art and painting

A. Losenko. "The Death of Adonis." 1764


More paintings:

Venus and Adonis :: Annibale Carracci
Venus and Adonis :: Annibale Carracci
Venus and Adonis :: Jacopo Amigoni
Venus and Adonis :: Jacopo Amigoni
The Awakening of Adonis :: John William Waterhouse
The Awakening of Adonis :: John William Waterhouse

By JenKiriakos,  


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