Published: March 5, 2012

Abstract expressionism

The direction of American painting that emerged in New York in the 1940s. Most of the abstract expressionists professed principle of energy writing (or painting gesture.) They used large canvases, applying paint quickly and vigorously with a broad brush, sometimes spilling or throwing it right on the canvas. This expressive writing method was considered no less important than the work itself. Others in the direction sought to make abstract imagery serene and mysterious sense. Not all of their work was purely abstract (Willem de Kooning, Philip Guston) or expressive (Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko), but they all share the belief that the spontaneity of painting method will help to release and capture the creative power of the subconscious. See Gaston, Kline, De Kooning, Mazervel, Newman, Pollock, Rothko, Steele, Frankentaler, Francis Hoffman

By JenKiriakos,  


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