Published: March 5, 2012


Ensemble (Fr. ensemble - together) - the relationship, the mutual coherence, unity of harmonious parts, each of which represents a complete whole. The notion of an ensemble close to the notion of composition, but it has a broader meaning, since it may combine several individual songs. The ensemble can be constructed from elements of an art form, or to combine different types. The group of performers, serving as a single artistic group, called the ensemble. They may also be a piece of music for several artists (duo, trio, etc.). The ensemble, combining architecture, painting, decorative arts, has a multifaceted aesthetic impact. In this case, say nothing of the synthesis of the arts. The architectural ensemble includes a variety of building or construction of landscape architecture is well combined with the objects of nature. The image of an architectural ensemble depends on the changing light, seasons, the presence of people. This is - an open system that can change over time. It provides an opportunity for further development of the ensemble - something in return can be constructed, but something - is destroyed.

Interior items - furniture, dishes, lamps - can make a band together with other decoration of the room. The ensemble of the costume usually includes not only clothing, shoes, hats, and jewelry. The ensemble reflects the artistic and stylistic features of the time in each historical epoch. For example, one can note the unity of style, balance urban ensembles and classical ornament, and different scales of ancient architecture.

By JenKiriakos,  


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