Published: March 5, 2012

Art Informel

 The French word means informel formless, and not <informal>. In the 1950s, artists Art Informel lines were busy looking for new ways to create images without recognizable forms used by their predecessors (see cubism, expressionism). Their goal was to open a new artistic language as a result of non-geometric and figurative forms. Forms and methods arise in the process of improvisation. Creation of Representatives Art Informel very differently-shaped, they are united by a free scenic overlay and a thick smear of paint. Like the abstract expressionism that existed in parallel in the United States, Art Informel movement is very broad and includes both figurative painters (Jean Fautre) and abstract (Hans Hartung) orientation. Although this trend has been the center of Paris, it has spread in other European countries, especially Spain, Italy and Germany. see Burri, Dyub.yuffe, Riopelle, de Stael, Soulages, Tapies, Fautre, Hartung

By JenKiriakos,  


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