Articles  >>  DEALER

Published: July 7, 2012


DEALER (English dealer - trader, sales agent), and p t - d and n e p - standing in the art market professional buyer and seller of works of art. Can act as a representative of the dealership, or individually, and in the latter case, both officially and on the black market. D. Unlike gallerist works exclusively with a view to extracting a direct financial profit from its activities. Specificity dealership and that usually works do not take them for a commission (ie, in order mediation, when the item is sold for a percentage commission or other remuneration received from the sale of the owner of a thing), and redeemed. D. tend to purchase products wholesale for retail sale, may act through the salons and galleries, including their own, or sell items through catalogs. In countries with well-developed art market, there are regional and national dealer associations (eg, American Association of art dealers, AAA), in which membership is an extremely prestigious, testifying not only about the skill and success of the DA, but also on its compliance with well-designed ethical and moral standards of the profession.

By JenKiriakos,  


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