Published: July 26, 2012

Hans Baldung

Hans Baldung, Self-Portrait 1526

Pictures and Biography of Hans Baldung Green

 Pictures and Biography of Hans Baldung Green - Adam, 1524 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest :: Hans Baldung Pictures and Biography of Hans Baldung Green - Eve, 1524 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Baldung (Baldung; nickname - Green, Grien), Hans (ca. 1484/86-1545). He was influenced by Albrecht Durer (in the studio where he worked in 1502-1504) and Matthias Grunewald. Baldung was working primarily in Strastburge, but from 1512 to 1517 he lived in Freiburg, where he worked on his masterpiece - the high altar for the cathedral of Freiburg, which is the central panel - radiant image of the coronation of the Virgin. In Hans Baldung above the altar, magically, combined landscapes, shapes, light and color. The rationalism of the Renaissance, particularly evident in the portraits Baldunga (portrait Ambrosia Volmar Keller, 1538, a portrait of Count Ludwig Loewenstein, 1513, Art Gallery, Berlin-Dahlem), often combined in his works on mysticism, the generalized plastic - with fractional, broken rhythms (the main the altar of the cathedral in Freiburg im Breisgau, 1512-1516, "Death, kissing a woman", 1517, art collection, Basel). In the drawings and woodcuts Baldung created a special style of transmission of light and shade contrasts the bright glare ("Witch", woodcut, 1510). Creativity Baldunga - changeable and varied, includes religious works, allegories and mythology, portraits, designs for stained glass and tapestries, and a lot of graphic work, particularly book illustrations. Its characteristic is rather small in size picture - it's erotic allegories (such as "Knight, a young girl and Death", 1505, the Louvre, Paris, "Death and the Girl", 1521), which Baldung addressed many times. Eroticism is often present in late works Baldunga, the most famous of which is engraved - "Enchanted persistent young man" (aka "Bewitched Bridegroom," 1544), interpreted as an allegory of passion (or by some as an allegory of lust). On the other hand painting by Hans Baldunga Green, dedicated to the image on the age and masterly manner, the picture is rather symbolic of sinister meaning.

The altar of St. Sebastian, a triptych :: Hans Baldung Madonna with the Parrot 1528 :: Hans BaldungRest on the Flight into Egypt 1514 :: Hans Baldung

 Two witches, 1523 :: Hans BaldungThe Three Graces, 1540, Prado, Madrid :: Hans BaldungThree women aged and Death, 1511 :: Hans BaldungEve, the serpent, and death, 1510-1512 :: Hans BaldungDeath and the Maiden 1520 :: Hans Baldung Allegory of Music 1529 :: Hans BaldungThree aged of women 1539 :: Hans BaldungAllegory of Vanity 1529 :: Hans BaldungSeven women age, 1510 :: Hans Baldung

 Muzio Scaevola 1531 :: Hans BaldungPortrait of Jakob von Morsperga 1525, Gos. Meeting in Stuttgart :: Hans BaldungPortrait of Keller 1538 :: Hans BaldungPortrait of Count Ludwig Loewenstein, 1513 :: Hans Baldung

 Pyramus and Thisbe 1531 :: Hans BaldungKnight, Death and the Girl, 1505 :: Hans BaldungBeheading of St Dorothea by Baldung, 1516


By AnnaDanko,  


Hide Comments (2)

Camilo    December 21, 2015

Hi Joanna, I love the work of Baldung Grien, but it has always been VERY dliffcuit to find books on him, so I was delighted when last year a book was published - "Witches' Lust and the Fall of Man, The Strange Phantasies of Hans Baldung Grien", I bought a copy, beautiful reproductions, and in english, so if anyone likes H.B.G., get a copy while you can.Paul Rumsey.


Zezo    December 22, 2015

Sans trop savoir qui il e9tait, j avais vu une exptisoion de ses oeuvres au MAMVP (Paris). (the cremaster cycle ? ou une partie ?) Art total qui aspirait dans une spirale de sens et d e9vocations inconscientes incontrf4lable. Ampleur, souffle, puissance,monstruosite9, grande bizarrerie, onirisme. J en e9tais sortie trouble9e (car e0 l e9poque, je n e9tais pas tre8s familiarise9e avec l art contemporain), petite et presque sur les genoux. Mais j avais aime9. Je n ai pas retrouve9 un semblable [Expand]


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