flowers in painting

Peonies Pastel on paper :: William Merritt Chase

 Peonies Pastel on paper  :: William Merritt Chase - flowers in painting ôîòî
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William Merritt Chase (1849-1916) Peonies Pastel on paper,

Oil, c.1897 (121.92 x 121.92 cm)( 48 x 47,9 inch ) Public collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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Noskov   User Rating: 56  April 15, 2015

Japanese girl in a kimono with a fan and smell the pions.


Imad    December 21, 2015

Not to be too graphic, but I don't mind ginivg in to using a strap. I find that my breasts get in the way. I'm either holding it far too high or far too low, and I don't have that secure feeling you're supposed to have. Plus, since I'm not having to press as hard to keep it steady, I find I get a better sound.I'm self-taught. Wish I had time for lessons (if there were someone available here), but I play for my own enjoyment first. I sound good enough for me, at least. It doesn't have to be a competition. [Expand]


Ifikl    December 22, 2015

Started playing mid July 2012, I play keoryabd so the uke is my first string instrument. What I have is basically a $25 toy. I installed Aquila strings and that made a big difference. Here's my observations.1. Once you pull out a uke, the expectations are already very low. No one will be thinking boy this guy will blow us away with his uke. so you can only impress them at this point.2. You pull out a guitar and people will be asking can you do Jimmy Page? You pull out a uke, can you do [Expand]


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