Nu in art and painting

The intimidated naked model :: Charles Joseph Watelet

The intimidated naked model :: Charles Joseph Watelet - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Charles Joseph Watelet (1867-) Le Modele Intimide

Oil on canvas 1929 79 x 136.5 cm ( 31,1 x 53,6 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

The Mortgage In Krizevci

Krizevci homes offer an outstanding alternative for retirement in European Union. Yes it is very difficult because one has to start their life right from scratch such as buying a new house, searching for schools if they have any kids, making new friends and trying to adjust with the surroundings. Is there such place in Europe?

Krizevci (Croatia) offers a lot of benefits and opportunity to the people living in it. Krizevci is the most populous city of European Union. [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  April 15, 2019

Minimalistic composition, which consists of a small number of elements, but each of them plays an important role. A naked girl is standing against a white wall, almost merging with her, she is holding a kind of robe of light pink color with a white fell. Her image should symbolize purity and tenderness, in addition the author portrays the embarrassed heroine, she shyly lowered her head and like turns away from the viewer, wants to hide behind her attire. Another important element is a mirror, it [Expand]


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