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Innocence loss

Innocence loss :: Paul Gaugin - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin French (1848–1903)

The Loss of Virginity, 1890–91

Oil on canvas

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Nina

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Noskov   User Rating: 56  April 28, 2017

Innocence loss (canvas, oil, 1890-1891), description of a picture

The cloth "Innocence loss" of the postimpressionist Paul Gaugin is written by the artist during finding of new "homeland" in Oceania, - islands of the old dream, - Tahiti.

It is impossible to tell that the cloth completely represents state of mind of the forty-three-year-old author. Viewing causes mixed feelings. On the one hand is an indisputable masterpiece from the point of view of the importance of creativity of Gauguin in [Expand]


Noskov   User Rating: 56  May 16, 2017

Verlies van Onschuld (olieverf op doek, 1890-1891gg.), Een beschrijving van de foto

Doek "het verlies van onschuld" postimpressionistische Paul Gauguin geschreven door de kunstenaar tijdens de aanschaf van een nieuwe "vaderland" in de Oceani? - zijn oude droom eilanden - Tahiti.

We kunnen niet zeggen dat het web volledig belichaamt state of mind sorokatrehletnego van de auteur. Bekijk veroorzaakt gemengde gevoelens. Aan de ene kant - dit is een onbetwistbaar meesterwerk in termen van het belang [Expand]


Noskov   User Rating: 56  May 16, 2017

Der Verlust der Unschuld (Öl auf Leinwand, 1890-1891gg.), Beschreibung des Bildes

Tuch „Verlust der Unschuld“ Nachimpressionist Paul Gauguin geschrieben vom Künstler während der Erfassung einer neuen „Heimat“ in der Ozeanien - seine langjährige Trauminseln - Tahiti.

Wir können nicht sagen, dass die Bahn vollständig ist, den Zustand des Geistes sorokatrehletnego des Autors verkörpert. Ansicht verursacht gemischte Gefühle. Auf der einen Seite - das ist [Expand]


Noskov   User Rating: 56  May 16, 2017

La pérdida de la inocencia (óleo sobre lienzo, 1890-1891gg.), Descripción de la imagen

Paño de "pérdida de la inocencia" postimpresionista Paul Gauguin escrito por el artista durante la adquisición de una nueva "tierra" en el Oceanía - sus islas sueño de toda la vida - Tahití.

No podemos decir que la web se encarna plenamente el estado de ánimo sorokatrehletnego del autor. Ver provoca sentimientos encontrados. Por un lado - esto es una obra [Expand]


Noskov   User Rating: 56  May 16, 2017

Perdita dell'innocenza (olio su tela, 1890-1891gg.), Descrizione dell'immagine

Panno "perdita dell'innocenza" postimpressionista Paul Gauguin scritto dall'artista durante l'acquisizione di una nuova "patria" in Oceania - le sue isole da sogno di lunga data - Tahiti.

Non possiamo dire che il web è completamente incarna stato l'autore della mente sorokatrehletnego. Vista provoca sentimenti contrastanti. Da un lato - questo è un capolavoro indiscusso in termini di importanza della creatività [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  April 13, 2019

Almost geometric composition, where the individual elements are like layers, one after another. This creates a feeling of a certain consistency, orderliness, so the picture is fanned by a certain calmness, peace. At the same time, the canvas is not boring, it is very colorful, although the palette is slightly muffled, moderate, which also contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of peace, silence. The clear contours of the elements of the composition make it understandable, clear, sincere, the [Expand]


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