Romantic scenes in art and painting

A Hard Decision :: Alois Hans Schramm [ Girls choose fabrics ]

A Hard Decision :: Alois Hans Schramm [ Girls choose fabrics ] - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Alos Hans Schram (Austrian, 1864-1919).  A Hard Decision Oil on canvas 1893 100.3 x 100.3 cm ( 39,5 x 39,4 inch)

Private art collection

[Girls choose fabrics]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 6, 2018

The heroines of the picture must make the most difficult choice - the choice of fabric. It seems that at this moment at least someone's fate is being decided - so carefully and legibly they approach the decision-making. It is clear that they do not belong to the noble class, all the action takes place in the kitchen, where, probably, they were not accidental. Those. girls do not spend their days in choosing and changing outfits, but nevertheless, the choice of fabric for them is fundamental, and [Expand]


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