Romantic scenes in art and painting

The Sinews of :: George Elgar Hicks

 The Sinews of :: George Elgar Hicks - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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George Elgar Hicks (1824-1914) The Sinews of

Old England watercolor heightened with bod -1857

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 14, 2018

The composition is devoted to some basic strength, a support for everything else, sinews that, perhaps, is the hero of the picture - the father of the family, a man whose strong shoulder a woman can lean on. But a certain foundation, the basis, the sinew can be considered the whole family, depicted on the canvas. Both adult characters are important in their own way, they perform various functions in life, but equally necessary for the family, for society. And only with the participation of both of [Expand]


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