Romantic scenes in art and painting

Two Gentlemen of Verona :: Alfred Elmore

Two Gentlemen of Verona :: Alfred Elmore - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Alfred Elmore (1815-1881) Two Gentlemen of Verona

Oil on canvas, 1857 (68.6 x 52.1 cm)( 27 x 20,5 inch ) Private collection

[ The plot of this picture seems quite clear. In the foreground, in expensive velvet armchair before us the husband with a sour mine. To the left of it its fine young wife correcting a necklace on a neck. Near to it the young man, he kisses her hand, having seized the moment. However the husband and so clearly understands that occurs behind his back. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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lucky95   User Rating: 491  November 28, 2019

Tags: old man, couple in love, gentleman, kiss, turban, red dress, green chair, painting of women, wooden parquet, hairstyle, wooden handrails, red cloak, crossed arms, necklace, belt


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