Romantic scenes in art and painting

Gossips In The Roman Campagna :: Arturo Faldi

Gossips In The Roman Campagna :: Arturo Faldi - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Oil on canvas (50 x 85 cm)( 19,7 x 33,4 inch ) Public collection

Arturo Faldi (1856-1911) Gossips In The Roman Campagna[ Three Italian girls discuss the passed by young man ]

Tags: mountain road, roadside, flowers, meeting of three women with the man

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  May 15, 2015

Bolzano, Italy Is A Great Region For Building Flat

Purchasing a flat in your desired state or zone is a best investment because homes in your area may offer a notable experience for many. Many people become constrained when trying to purchase their first flat. Many believe there is no such place in Europe.

We cannot overlook the fact that Bolzano is a wonderful area to live in and the best location on real estate. Property prices in Bolzano are always quite exorbitant. The value of the real [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  August 20, 2018

Funny moment, noticed by the artist. It seems to be a simple scene - the road, three girls walking along it, a man who passed by them, a simple landscape as a background. But the sights and poses of the heroines fill it with meaning, explain what the author wanted to tell: one looks after the passer-by, and two others are already discussing it with full force, completely absorbed in this argument. A picture of the life of the countryside, or of life in general, simply in an environment that particularly [Expand]


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