Romantic scenes in art and painting

Arrival of the newborn :: Cesare-Auguste Detti

Arrival of the newborn :: Cesare-Auguste Detti - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Cesare-Auguste Detti (1847-1914) The Arrival of the Baby

Oil on canvas (54.6 x 73.7 cm)( 21,5 x 29 inch ) Private collection

[ The carriage with the newborn has arrived to an estate. A fine conversation in style of artist Cesare-Auguste Detti. The set of beautifully dressed characters, each of which bears a certain intrigue. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 21, 2018

A joyous scene of the arrival of the newborn home. The contrast of the landscape is quite interesting - quite dull, autumnal, dreary - and the central group of characters that immediately revitalizes it, creates a positive mood, neutralizes the surrounding wilting by the appearance of a new life and the instilling of expectations only the best. This contrast adds a canvas and reality, relieves it of excessive "sweetness", as it often happens.


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