Romantic scenes in art and painting

The Proposal :: Charles Edouard Edmond Delort

 The Proposal :: Charles Edouard Edmond Delort - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Charles Edouard Edmond Delort (1841-1895) The Proposal

Oil on canvas laid down on board (56.5 x 90.8 cm) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 21, 2018

The canvas represents the moment of the proposal, probably of marriage, but it does not leave a feeling of romanticism, joy and anticipation of happiness. The man does not try to impress the potential bride, apparently, assuming that she will accept it in any case, and if not, he will not be upset. The woman is not in a hurry to admire and rejoice too, probably his acceptance would solve some of her problems, but certainly would not make her happy emotionally. An intriguing picture, makes us consider [Expand]


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