Romantic scenes in art and painting

A Meeting on the Bridge :: Emile Claus

A Meeting on the Bridge :: Emile Claus - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Emile Claus (1849-1924) A Meeting on the Bridge

Oil on canvas (72 x 113 cm)( 28,3 x 44,4 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 29, 2018

A pleasant rural landscape, seemingly simple, but at the same time, contains various components - a lawn with wildflowers, a bridge over the river, a flowering bush by the bridge, a wooden fence, in the distance - a field with trees on the edge. A pacifying atmosphere in which two are placed that met on the bridge. Judging by their poses, this is not a romantic date, he leaned forward, probably preoccupied with something, she looks uncertainly at him, does not seem to know how to help, what she should [Expand]


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