Romantic scenes in art and painting

Off :: Edmund Blair Leighton

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Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) Off

Oil on canvas 1899
Manchester City
Art Galleries (Manchester, United Kingdom)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 17, 2018

A picturesque composition, so much so that despite the sad scene, it attracts and retains attention. The heroes of the composition have just parted, probably forever - he leaves away, head down, she tries to stay proud and unperturbed, but sadness in the eyes and a certain reverie are noticeable. The canvas is made in rather dark, gloomy tones, but some light elements - the heroine's clothes, the mansion in the background, the illuminated bench - facilitate the overall impression and soften the drama [Expand]


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