Romantic scenes in art and painting

Looking Out To Sea :: Vittorio Matteo Corcos

Looking Out To Sea :: Vittorio Matteo Corcos - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1859-1933) Looking Out To Sea

Oil on canvas (64.4 x 46.7 cm)( 25,4 x 18,4 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Robi    June 22, 2014

Hello. I found your site through Deonne. I'm going to try this 10K day. It's riulcuiods that I keep putting off writing. My latest excuse (actually a good one) is that I have a toddler, but her grandparents are coming back into town and will have her for all of Wednesday afternoon. I will try and I will write.(Yep. I'm going to do it!)Manisha recently posted..


User   User Rating: 400  September 4, 2018

The picture shows two women, but their roles are completely different. The first, in a red outfit, immediately attracts attention - she is placed on the foreground and brightly stands out in color on a more restrained background. The second heroine is partially hidden behind the first figure, and in terms of color more corresponds to the background - the sky and the sea in pastel colors and brown carpet. What did the author want to say? The first is clearly a bright accent, even more - a key element, [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 5, 2019

Tags: female portrait, girl in red long dress, red umbrella, red gloves, hat with bow, bright carpet, black hat, sea, waves, ship, birds, sky, clouds, pavement, red belt, white scarf, stone columns, black shoes, fence


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