Village life

Watering the Horses :: Henry Hillier Parker

Watering the Horses :: Henry Hillier Parker - Village life ôîòî
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Henry Hillier Parker (1858-1930) Watering the Horses

Oil On Canvas 50.5 x 76 cm ( 19,9 x 29,9 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 11, 2019

Charming mix of blue and green, which creates a feeling of freshness, morning, new day. In general, the canvas is written in such a way that it appears to be silky, small details are fuzzy, as if they are woven by satin stitch, and smooth color transitions and the presence of light highlights appear to be a glint of a satin surface. The sky is written in blue and pink shades, which makes it deep, interesting and gives some ambiguity - it is not night, but not yet day, it is covered with clouds, but [Expand]


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