Village life

The rural chickens :: Louis Pierre Verwee

The rural chickens :: Louis Pierre Verwee - Village life ôîòî
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Louis Pierre Verwee (1807-1877) La Provende Des Poules

Oil on canvas, 100 x 184.2 cm ( 39,4 x 72,4 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 16, 2019

The picture depicts the usual scene of feeding chickens, but the author has put into the composition several elements that give it a certain geometrical effect. Capacity with grains has a clear form and is located in the center, it immediately draws all the attention to itself and sets the scheme of the composition. It creates a feeling, that the girl only maintains this capacity, and it pours the grain and decides how to move itself. Above it in the center of the canvas is one of the vertical beams [Expand]


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