Village life

Feeding Time :: Julien Dupre

Feeding Time :: Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) Feeding Time

Oil on canvas (64.7 x 81.3 cm)( 25,5 x 32 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Mahen    October 25, 2015

Fair enough, but you still have not given me any spcifiecs.You claim that prostitution requires a sacrifice of dignity, but I am still waiting for a reason as to why this is the case.I have heard similar arguments regarding the professions of mechanic, janitor, garbage collector, maid, peach picker, ditch digger, etc. . .Some people even regard any blue collar job as being one which lacks dignity .But none of this talk gets us to the root of the issue.Why would any of these jobs, in particular prostitution, [Expand]


Welma    October 27, 2015

So what, exactly, is wrong with being a hooekr ?Let's get into some philosophical specifics without dragging religion into the topic.Using nothing but your brain as a basis for your morality, tell me exactly why it is bad to be a hooekr.What exactly leads you to assert that Miss Dupre should not be rewarded for her hard work and sacrifices?Are you asserting that it would be okay for Miss Dupre to get a lucky break in her singing career as long as it does not result from anything related to being [Expand]


Babjan    October 29, 2015

I am totally wowed and prraeepd to take the next step now.


User   User Rating: 400  January 31, 2019

Cute scene of a joint dinner of the peasants and their chickens. They give the impression of one family, and indeed, their lives go side by side, they share a home and food. From the picture breathes a certain comfort, cordiality, hospitality, sincerity and warmth.


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