Village life

The Shepherd :: Julien Dupre

The Shepherd :: Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) Le Berger [The Shepherd]

Oil on canvas (141 x 199.5 cm)( 55,5 x 78,4 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Merly    June 22, 2014

It's cool to see so many different apps for the iophne, but I don't think that this one will become popular. Maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine myself focusing exclusively on my iophne just to write a blog post. I think better when I'm doing many things at once. That can't happen when blogging through the iophne. Then again, that's just me.


User   User Rating: 400  February 3, 2019

Autumn canvas. It evokes a feeling of cold - the shepherd is in a thick cape, the sky is cloudy, the meadows seem dull, fading. In the sky there is a flock of birds, almost a crane skein, which, perhaps, flies south to wintering. Next to the shepherd sits a cute dog, a purebred, adult and knowing his work. Probably, he has been accompanying this shepherd for many years. Sheep seem very hairy, maybe this is only a deceptive impression of the general autumn mood. Or perhaps their lush wool is another [Expand]


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