Village life

In the Christmas morning :: Agathe Rostel

In the Christmas morning :: Agathe Rostel - Village life ôîòî
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Agathe Rostel (German, 1868 - 1926). Am Weihnachtsmorgen Oil On Canvas ( 95 x 124 cm)( 37,4 x 48,7 inch ) Private collection [ Two kids sleep on one bed. Near to a bed the crucifixion, with another the dressed up fur-tree on the one hand hangs. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 8, 2019

I would say that the artist used the forbidden technique - the image of small children, also sleeping - it is always a winning object. It cannot fail to touch, it attracts the attention of the audience and leaves them touched, with thawed hearts. In this case, brother and sister, sleeping together. And on the table next to the bed is the Christmas tree. The image of a bright, kind, fabulous and angelic atmosphere has been created. It is already morning, soon the kids will wake up and receive their [Expand]


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