mythology and poetry

Narcissus :: Caravaggio

Narcissus :: Caravaggio - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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Caravaggio (1571-1610) Narcissus

Oil on canvas, 1598-1599 (110 x 92 cm)( 43,3 x 36,2 inch )

Galleria Nazionale d Arte Antica, Rome

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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DragonFly   User Rating: 24  October 13, 2017

16. A young man is a genre character, a simple guy from the people. But, looking at him, you feel his reality and plasticity, the light that he emits. This is the reality of existence for every artist; the dream is to create a living image, to transfer a piece of life in his works, to breathe a spark of heat into them. You feel the heat when you look at this picture. Caravaggio in his picture divides the world into two parts, the real world and the mirror world. These two parts help us to understand [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  November 29, 2019

Tags: Narcissus, water, reflection, love look, portrait of a man, white sleeves, green pants, dark background, colorful vest, neck, blonde hair


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