mythology and poetry

"I am Half-sick of Shadows", said the Lady of Shalott :: John William Waterhouse

"I am Half-sick of Shadows", said the Lady of Shalott :: John William Waterhouse  - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) "I am Half-sick of Shadows", said the Lady of Shalott

Oil on canvas 1915 74 x 100 cm ( 29,1 x 39,3 inch )

Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto, Canada)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Prasanna    October 25, 2015

Hmm. Oddly enough, the long dtisripecon doesn't describe the image at all. The figcaption does a better job of that (and it is stretching a point to call it a dtisripecon of an image it's really what a title attribute might contain, and too verbose to even be a decent alt attribute).If this is the example usage, I am not confident about this technique meeting the requirement for long dtisripecons, since there doesn't appear to be any understanding of that requirement behind the proposal.


Johnson    October 27, 2015

Hi Chaals,The example was quklicy modified from Alex's original example (I just noticed it currently has the original URL which I need to fix) to show what is exposed via the accessibility API. It is not an example use case, perhaps I should have made this clear. The example used in would be more appropriate.I have updated the code in the post and the example in the to what I consider to be an approriate alt/figcaption/longdesc for an image. [url= [link=


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