men's portraits 16th century

Hans Baldung, Self-Portrait 1526

Hans Baldung, Self-Portrait 1526 - men's portraits 16th century ôîòî
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Image for "Hans Baldung art and painting - medieval fantasy and Nude"

image: Public domain

Submitted by: AnnaDanko

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User   User Rating: 400  May 10, 2019

The author has a very simple composition, but he vividly demonstrates the skill of his author. In fact, the viewer sees a part of the artist’s figure, and this image is not replete with elements. But those few details that are present in the picture are written very brightly, vividly and naturally. For example, a face - perhaps the most difficult element when writing a self-portrait - it looks very natural, proportions are observed, and transitions from light to shadow are carefully worked out. It [Expand]


Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019

Hans Baldung has a narrowed and perspicacious look, clear and tenacious, he looks at the root


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