Balls and receptions

Susanna and the Old Gentlemen :: Pierre Andre Brouillet

Susanna and the Old Gentlemen  :: Pierre Andre Brouillet - Balls and receptions ôîòî
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Pierre Andre Brouillet (1857-1914) Suzanne et les Vieux Messieurs

97 x 130 cm ( 38,2 x 51,1 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  March 4, 2018

The canvas of Pierre Andre Brouillet depicts a conversation of a woman with two men, taking place at a ball or a big celebration. The heroine sits at the table with one of the men, which makes it clear that they initially talked together. The second hero appeared later, and she talks to him half-turned, through the back of the chair. Men are quite serious, and the new interlocutor also demonstrates an obvious interest in the woman. She, on the contrary, looks at him condescendingly (or evaluatively), [Expand]


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