Balls and receptions

Private concert :: Jean Beraud

Private concert :: Jean Beraud  - Balls and receptions ôîòî
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Jean Beraud (1849-1936) Le Concert Prive

Oil On Panel -1911 60 x 73 cm ( 23,6 x 28,7 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  March 4, 2018

The work of Jean Beraud, depicting a chamber concert in a private house, is one of those paintings that are suitable for decorating of the living room or the hall. The plot of the canvas is absolutely neutral - the pianist plays for a narrow circle of guests in the salon of a private house. The audience is elegant dressed (perhaps, the artist pays too much attention to this), although this is not a dance ball, but simply listening to the piano playing, probably, people are connoisseurs of music, [Expand]


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