Rich interiors

Old Cronies :: Edgar Bundy

Old Cronies :: Edgar Bundy - Rich interiors ôîòî
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Edgar Bundy (1862-1922) Old Cronies

Oil On Canvas -1888 71 x 92 cm ( 28 x 36,2 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Andika    June 23, 2014

something like BUT I ALREADY BOOKED THE CHAPEL FOR OUR WEDDING!!! Assuming that a coffee date will deitfinely last 5 hours AND having a clear step-by-step plan, AND losing your shit when things don't go according to plan is, indeed, loony.3.) However, that raises a question: why is SHE the one making the plan? That sounds as if you were a bit more passive in the planning department and she took the lead. If that's the case, well, there's your problem. Might be that she also always makes the [Expand]


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