Published: March 4, 2012

In Poland, discovered frescoes of the XV century

The frescoes found in the Polish Orthodox Church in the village of Posada Rybotytska, located in the east, the researchers dated the XV century. According to the Associated Press, the statement was made on Tuesday, February 28, during a press conference on this discovery.

Art historian Jaroslav Gemza (Jaroslaw Giemza) said that the only recent studies have attributed the frescoes of the late Middle Ages. Sami murals, painted with white paint, some were discovered by scientists back in the 1960s.

According Gemzy, now is raising funds for the restoration of the frescoes, which are now in poor condition. Their photographs were made public for the first time at the last press conference.

The value of ancient images is that the frescoes in this church are the only complete collection of biblical images, painted on the walls, in Poland. According Gemzy, it is also a rarity for the countries of Central Europe.

By AnnaDanko,  


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