Published: March 22, 2012

America is on the verge of science fiction, Japan, unknown and unexpected in Africa "Biennale 2012"

Travel - one of the most fascinating of human activities - brought together several exhibitions in the "Biennale in 2012." "Great unreal", "Hyenas and other people," "Park"... - the Multimedia Art Museum has become a place where they found photos of the embodiment of all kinds of pilgrimage. And not only in space - but in time, even in imagination. However, the palm continues to hold a traditional travel across countries and continents. They say, "Culture News".

America beyond the bounds of reality or unreality great. Swiss photographers Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs transformed something long familiar: views from the movies, the heroes of the stories and books. Their project continues a series of "travel writing", which began half a century ago by Robert Frank. However, these works - not just a photo story. First, the pictures were captured surrounding reality, and then shots were staged, even after some time the artists have used the effect of blending. So, the reality has disappeared and given way to the imagination.

"Last year I returned to Los Angeles and visited the same place - Nico Krebs said. - I went back to the desert. Realized that in my mind, everything looks different. It is surprising that the brain translates memory the better. "

Japan unknown, hidden from view, the road, several kilometers long along a Tokyo park, Yossi showed Kohei Yuki. Back in the seventies, in the infra-red film, he shot those who can not sleep at night, who come to the park for secret meetings. His work in Russia for the first time as a project by Peter Hugo. The photographs - the paradoxical relationship between man and animal.

"I like that the project is not called" People and hyenas, "and called" Hyena and other people ", - said the director of the Multimedia Art Museum, Olga Sviblova. - I can not give this comment. It seems to me, "Hyena and other people" - this "comments know" to what we see here. This is very interesting. First, it reveals a continent. "

The desert through the eyes of those who live in it - in pictures Michael Subotski. The artist not only connects people and landscape. Who is the protagonist - is unknown: the desert or the people? Imagined images - thoughtful staging. Funny, tragic, naive, and slightly insane. Attention to the continent without reason. On the "Biennale 2014" one of the main themes will be "Africa in Focus."

By JaconVogue,  


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