Published: March 22, 2012

The works of Vladimir Lyubarova in Moscow in the hall "Manege"

  "Buz Peremilovo in the village." So is the next series of paintings of Vladimir Lyubarova. They can be seen at the exhibition, which opens today at the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege". About fifty works created over the past year and a half, continue to the famous scenic loop, unique in contemporary art there. For decades, Vladimir Lyubarov remains true to its theme and characters - the villagers Peremilovo. They say, "Culture News".

Men from the village Perimilovo already shown in exhibitions in Berlin, Beijing, New York, Brussels and Strasbourg. Europe is delighted. This series of artist Vladimir Lyubarov creates for twenty years. His protagonists - Peremilovo village, where an artist. Dilapidated walls, poorly-dressed people - this represents the middle of nowhere, Vladimir Lyubarov.

"This is such a village, I saw in the 91st year - says the artist. - It is now very much changed, but I think I was somewhere out there in that village, which has arrived. I did not change with the village. "

Today the village is dying, authoritatively states the artist, born and raised in the city, but has devoted his work a classic theme of Russian art. Maintains its picturesque Life-Journal. Only instead of social networks, where the spread photos Lyubarov periodically arranges in museums and galleries in the exhibition of his paintings that are waiting for a loved one as a continuation of the series.

"I like lyubarolyubka not only lyubarovedka. Even I wrote him a little essay, monologue model, "a great many models of the artist's near and dear to me," - says the head of the department of art of the XVIII century GTG Lyudmila Markina

"The style he chose, an incredibly complex - says musician Andrei Makarevich. - Because a little taste of fail - you can fall into a caricature, a splint to fall. This does not happen. And besides that he has a huge reserve of humor and kindness. "

The works of Vladimir Lyubarova is in the collections of the Russian Museum and Tretyakov Gallery, in the collections of private collectors. And very few people have remembered that his first literary work was a sign on the fence "on the territory of carpool smoking is strictly forbidden." After this has worked Lyubarov main artist in the journal "Chemistry and Life", but life in the end won the chemistry and the village - a metropolis. But every year, recognizes an artist to create this infinite series is becoming increasingly difficult. Present in the village Peremilovo almost gone, and to devote his work, he does not want to cottagers.

By AnnaDanko,  


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