Published: March 26, 2012

Month of Russian Contemporary Art "Moscow Breakthrough"

Exhibitions, seminars on the art and many other various cultural events will take place in London throughout November. According to organizers, "the name of the project - Moscow Breakthrough - reflects both the dramatic cultural changes that have taken place in Moscow in recent years and the fact that it is in fact the first major exhibition of the leading masters of Russian contemporary art in London."

Headquarters and data center project "Moscow Breakthrough" for this month was the hotel "Trafalgar" in the eponymous square in the center of the British capital, which is decorated with works of modern art in Russia, and the bar is transformed into a modern installation.

Since the beginning of November in the Barge House (also known as the Oxo Tower Wharf) on the south bank of the Thames, an exhibition of twenty works of famous Russian contemporary artists. Among those who have provided work for the exhibition - Oleg Kulik, Valery Koshlyakov, Dmitry Gutov, Olga Chernysheva, Irina Korina and Sergei Shutov. Among the exhibits - paintings, sculpture, photography, installations and video projects.

In addition, every evening in the room of the exhibition demonstrates the new Russian films. And from November 17 to 19 Londoners and visitors will witness the amazing spectacle: the work of Russian artists will be projected on the building of the National Theatre in the city center.

/ / Radio, "Culture"
7 November 2005

By AnnaDanko,  


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