Published: March 29, 2012

The artworks in the CHA A.Kanevskiy

Within the art fair "Fifty years of Soviet art," which will be held from 10 to 18 December at the Central House of Artists, Gallery "The Ark" will present the exhibition of graphic works by the artist Abinadab Kanevsky (1898 - 1976).

Many generations of our citizens have grown on the books, illustrated by this artist. His drawings for "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" by Alexei Tolstoy, who saw the light at the end of the forties and has since been reprinted many times, organically connected with the text book. In those same years Kanevsky made illustrations for "Moidodyr" and "Cockroach" Kornei Chukovsky, later illustrated the "Cat House" and "Here's a stray" Samuel Marshak, books, Agnes Barto and Sergei Mikhalkov, "Satire" Vladimra Mayakovsky, "Merry Family "and" Victor Maleev at school and at home, "Nikolai Nosov...

Amminadab Kanevsky born March 17, 1898 in the provincial Ukrainian city Elisavetgrad (Kirovograd). In 1921, the military unit he was sent to study in VHUTEMAS in 1924, after the workers' school, was adopted by the graphics department. The first pictures Kanevsky appeared in print in the same 1924 in the journal "Atheist at the bench." In the late twenties began permanent cooperation in the magazines "Pioneer" and "Give," the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", from the mid thirties - in the "crocodile". At the pre-war exhibition of book illustrations, all the more keen artist and occupy an important place in the creative activity Kanevsky showed three dozen works, including works of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Gogol, allowing use of graphic techniques and a strong hyperbole metaphor of the artistic image.

In addition to book and magazine images, traditionally representing the rich artistic heritage of Abinadab Kanevsky, remained almost unknown to the audience of his easel works of the 1920s and 30s, freely and confidently made charcoal and watercolor. These things are very open to the unexpected identity of a famous artist, finding in it the master of lyrical landscape and talented portraitist. It was they who constitute the current exhibit on the stand, "the Ark".

"Museums of Russia"
December 6, 2005


By AnnaDanko,  


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