Published: March 29, 2012
In the Tretyakov Gallery opened an exhibition of paintings by Savrasov The Rooks Have Come Back was painted by Savrasov near Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma.
Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov (1830 -1897) - http://lj.rossia.org/users/john_petrov/93003.html
The State Tretyakov Gallery presents an exhibition of the 175 th anniversary of the artist Alexei Savrasov Kondratyevich.
Anniversary Exhibition of Alexei Savrasov (1830-1897) - the most ambitious exhibition of works by the artist in Russia over the past half century. For the first time the work of one of the finest Russian artists, the creator of the national school of lyrical landscape, were well represented in the monographic exhibition in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery in 1947. It was then debunked the myth of Savrasov as "an artist of one painting" - the famous paintings "The Rooks Have Arrived" (1871).
The exhibition includes over 100 paintings Savrasov. Most of the works - from the collection of P.M.Tretyakova who acquired the painting of the painter himself, realizing the value of outstanding artistic discoveries in the history of Savrasov domestic arts.
More than 20 paintings came from private collectors in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many of these products until recently were not familiar with not only the public but also to specialists.
According to Isaac Levitan, "Savrasov tried to find in the most simple and ordinary are intimate, deeply touching, often sad features, which are so strongly felt in our native landscape, and so compelling are the soul. With lyrics Savrasov appeared in painting scenery and boundless love for his native land. "
The State Tretyakov Gallery and the exhibition timed to his 150th birthday. Opening day will be held December 6 at 16:00. The exhibition will be open from December 7, 2005 to March 12, 2006.
STRC "Culture" December 7, 2005
By AnnaDanko,  
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