Published: October 5, 2017

The Pearl of European Culture - Hungary

Hungary is an amazing country with a rich history and culture. And the Hungarian culture was born in the XX century, when the local population was converted to Christianity.

At that time, King Istvan ruled, it was he who began to build the whole state and society anew, following the model of Western Europe, and all the elements of Eastern European culture were gradually erased. Already in the Renaissance, the creative representation of Italy flocked to the court of the ruling king.

Traveling to Hungary now is an amazing opportunity to get acquainted with its art and literature. Many talented artists came from this country, who raised their homeland to the highest European level with their own hands. Such masters include Madaras, Zichy, Munkachi and others. Also, the graphics received worldwide recognition due to color engravings on the tree of Domiana and Barchai.

Music lovers will be able to learn a lot about the development of Hungarian folk music, because the names of the best composers (Bartok, Kodai) are associated with it. The State Opera House is definitely worth a visit; throughout Hungary it is very popular.

In addition, in Hungary you can visit the best museums, theaters and exhibitions, and after a cultural program, sit in a cozy cafe.

By WuDong,  


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