Published: July 7, 2012


(English installation - Installation) - spatial composition, created by an artist from a variety of items - household goods, industrial goods and materials, natural objects, fragments of textual or visual information.
INSTALLATION. - Form is prevalent in contemporary art. Its founders were Dadaist Marcel Duchamp and the

Surrealists. In the 1960-1970's. I. created many avant-garde artists: Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Dine, Yukker Gunter, Joseph Beuys, Yannis Kunellis, Ilya Kabakov. Creating extraordinary combination of trivial things, the artist reveals to them the meanings and sensory qualities that are hidden from ordinary perception. Becoming part of the artistic conception, the thing is released from its utilitarian function, simultaneously acquiring a symbolic function.
INSTALLATION aesthetic content. - In the semantic transformations, the values ​​of game resulting from the transformation of the environment and changing contexts.

By JenKiriakos,  


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