Published: July 7, 2012
(ит. colorito, from an armor. color - paint, color) - system of color tones, their combinations and relationship in a work of art, forming esthetic unity. Colority - one of the most important means of emotional expressiveness in painting, color graphics, in many works of the decorative art, the essential component of an artistic image causing reciprocal emotions of the audience. Character Colority is a peculiar interpretation of color wealth of the world and is defined by an era, style, identity of the artist, features of his color vision, the general plan of work. Colority can be warm (generally red, yellow, orange tone) and cold (generally dark blue, green, violet tone), quiet and intense, bright and faded. The big role in it is played by lighting, including its color. There are Colority systems based on a local color, its self-valuable, often symbolical value, and the systems based on aspiration to completeness and fidelity of a color picture of the world - spaces, light and shade, materiality of a subject in its ratio with Wednesday: for this purpose tone, a reflex, a value, unity of Colority and a treatment of light and shade serve. Fidelity Colority is reached by strictly certain interrelation of ensemble of work and all separate color tones, judgment and generalization of color system (see. The relations) according to idea, a plan, mood of work, laws of harmony, addition and contrast of flowers, features of an art form, a material and function of works. See also Polikhromiya, Scale, the Tonality, Colour.
By JenKiriakos,  
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