Published: July 8, 2012


 (From the Greek. Lithos - stone and grapho - write, draw) - kind of lottery graphics, the way a flat print: prints (lithographs) are satisfied the transfer of ink under pressure with the flat surface of the stone (dense limestone) or replacement of its metal plate (zinc, aluminum .) LITHOGRAPHY artist performs, drawing on a stone in bold lithographic pencil (on the grain surface) or a special thick ink (pen and brush on a smooth, clean polished surface). After etching the stone with acid (acting on the surface not covered with fat), wash drawing, instead of a roller is applied to the moistened stone ink that adheres only to neprotravlennym parts of stone, exactly corresponding figure. LA print on a special machine. There are many types of lithographic techniques (chromolithograph, vyskrebanie, wash me, engraved on the stone). Often the original LITOGRAFIYai not executed in stone, but on transferable paper - kornpapire. LITHOGRAPHY characterized by greater freedom of copyright enforcement, a variety of artistic media at high fidelity, the comparative simplicity of technology, high-volume and low cost.

Invented in the 1796-1798 years. A. Zenefelderom in Germany, lithography was in the 2nd quarter. The 19th century. popular artistic technique. In the 19th - 20th centuries. She played an important role in the development of cartoons (including political satire), illustrations, posters, and applied graphics. Outstanding masters of art in LA 19.: Eugene Delacroix, Honore Daumier, Paul Gavarni, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in France, AO Orlov, I. S. Schedrovsky, VF Timm in Russia in the 20th century . - Pablo Picasso in France, the German Expressionists, Russia Bogaevsky KF, PV Kuznetsov, Mikhail Larionov, Natalia Goncharova, K. Rudakov, M. S. Rodionov, D. C. Verey, EI Charushin,

By JenKiriakos,  


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