Published: July 8, 2012


 (From Fr. 1osa1 - local) - a painting major and permanent color, which characterizes the color of the object. Paint the object can be transferred to homogeneous color patches that vary in intensity, but lack the most important colors that occur under the influence of light, air, reflections from surrounding objects. However, in the beautiful system, which requires accurate transmission of light and volatile environment, it is necessary to accurately and expressively show the subject of local color in all its complex of regular changes. In the history of art from ancient times, there are many paintings of the system, based on the consistent application of local color

Immutable local color was dominant in painting in the early stages of the ancient and classical art. Expressive and harmonious local color matching stains used in many periods of art history (especially in medieval paintings, stained glass, miniatures), the Renaissance complex relationships are established between the lines, gravitating to the constant, often endowed with traditional symbolic meaning, accents and other local color, tending capture the complexity and variability of color, its relationship with light and shade and the environment. Many of the art of concentration. 19 and 20. revive interest in local color, or for its symbolic meaning (synthetism), or for the most demanding color and distinct constructs (Henri Matisse, Fernand L?ger), or to approach painting with bright colors of modern machines (in the U.S. Stuart Davis, Charles Schiller).

By JenKiriakos,  


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