Published: July 22, 2012
MONUMENTAL ART (from an armor. monumentum - a monument, from monere - to remind, inspire, call) - a sort of fine and decorative arts: the term monumental art costs among such morphological concepts as easel and applied arts, and belonging of work to that sort of spatial arts which together with architecture directly participate in formation of the constant environment created by people for the activity and by that of the era reflecting character means: works monumental art serve at the same time to formation both public consciousness, and a real environment of people. Monumental art should be distinguished from related to it concepts monumentalism in art as not any work monumental art is obliged to possess qualities of monumentalism. On the sense concept monumental art is close to such in use terms, as English. art in architecture, environmental art, public art also is mute. baubezogene. As generalizing concept the term "monumental art" arose only in 19 - нач. 20 century though the sort of creative activity designated by it goes back to the most ancient eras in the history of mankind. Long since monumental art exists in concrete manifestations - architectural constructions, a sculpture, a wall-painting etc. To monumental art carry those types and genres of spatial arts which are connected with creation of representative constructions or are calculated on space of city squares, parks and are predisposed to interaction (synthesis) with each other. The most considerable works monumental art participate in art judgment of a universe, establishing a spiritual, spatial and large-scale ratio with the person, and in the plan philosophical - with all world around. Works monumental art to some extent possess qualities of "a big form" as are calculated on perception from afar and close, not with one, and from a set of the points of view, not separately, and together with people and all environment. Such qualities of "a big form", as scale and proportionality, harmony of parts and whole, the general decorative effect of composition, clarity of a rhythmic system, clearness of the silhouettes, the increased sounding of color are for this purpose used. There are the basic principles necessary for all works monumental art: compliance of the figurative maintenance of a building, a statue, a list to their functional purpose and a place in architectural space, correlation of work to the general ensemble and at the same time possibility of its some allocation from this environment. The area of modern monumental creativity gravitates to a wide palette of the means participating in art transformation of the environment, - from tragical and festive and representative to lyrically - intimate and decorative.
By JenKiriakos,  
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