Published: April 24, 2015

Psyche in art and painting

Psyche in art and painting

Psyche in art and painting

Psyche in art and painting

Psyche in art and painting

Cupid and Psyche :: Jacques-Louis David
Cupid and Psyche :: Jacques-Louis David
Cupid Carries Psyche To The Heaven :: Maurice Denis
Cupid Carries Psyche To The Heaven :: Maurice Denis
Cupid In Flight Is Struck By The Beauty Of Psyche :: Maurice Denis
Cupid In Flight Is Struck By The Beauty Of Psyche :: Maurice Denis
Psyche Discovers That Her Secret Lover Is Cupid :: Maurice Denis
Psyche Discovers That Her Secret Lover Is Cupid :: Maurice Denis
Psyche's Parents Abandon Her On The Summit Of The Mountain :: Maurice Denis
Psyche's Parents Abandon Her On The Summit Of The Mountain :: Maurice Denis
Cupid and Psyche :: Sir Antony van Dyck
Cupid and Psyche :: Sir Antony van Dyck
Cupid and Psyche :: William Etty
Cupid and Psyche :: William Etty
Cupid and Psyche :: Benjamin West
Cupid and Psyche :: Benjamin West
Psyche showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid :: Jean-Honore Fragonard
Psyche showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid :: Jean-Honore Fragonard
Psyche Honoured by the People :: Luca Giordano
Psyche Honoured by the People :: Luca Giordano
Psyche Served by Invisible Spirits :: Luca Giordano
Psyche Served by Invisible Spirits :: Luca Giordano
Psyche's Parents Offering Sacrifice to Apollo :: Luca Giordano
Psyche's Parents Offering Sacrifice to Apollo :: Luca Giordano
Cupid and Psyche :: Orazio Gentleschi
Cupid and Psyche :: Orazio Gentleschi
Cupid and Psiheja :: William Adolphe Bouguereau
Cupid and Psiheja :: William Adolphe Bouguereau
Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden :: John William Waterhouse
Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden :: John William Waterhouse
Psyche Opening the Golden Box :: John William Waterhouse
Psyche Opening the Golden Box :: John William Waterhouse

By Nikki,  


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WuDong   User Rating: 810  January 11, 2017

Butterfly Psyche depicted on tombstones tissues next to the skull and other important symbols of death. Frescoes of this goddess were found during excavations of Pompeii - here it drew with pencil, flute and some other musical attributes. A mural of the Vettii House depict different scenes in which Eros and Psyche gather flowers, working at oil mill, etc. Incidentally, the gems created in the III-I centuries BC, described a lot of different interpretations of the story of love between two gods.

In [Expand]


WuDong   User Rating: 810  January 11, 2017

Farfalla Psiche raffigurato su lapidi tessuti prossimi al cranio e altri importanti simboli di morte. Gli affreschi di questa dea sono stati trovati durante gli scavi di Pompei - qui si ha con la matita, flauto e alcuni altri attributi musicali. Un murale dei Vettii Casa raffigurano diverse scene in cui Eros e Psiche raccolgono fiori, lavorando a frantoio, etc. Per inciso, le gemme create nel III-I secolo aC, ha descritto un sacco di diverse interpretazioni della storia d'amore tra due dei.

Nell'antica [Expand]


WuDong   User Rating: 810  January 11, 2017

Butterfly Psyche afgebeeld op grafstenen weefsels naast de schedel en andere belangrijke symbolen van de dood. Fresco's van deze godin werden gevonden tijdens opgravingen van Pompeii - hier tekende met potlood, fluit en een aantal andere muzikale attributen. Een muurschildering van de Vettii House verbeelden verschillende scènes waarin Eros en Psyche verzamelen bloemen, werkzaam bij oliemolen, etc. Overigens, de edelstenen die in het III-I eeuw voor Christus, beschreef een heleboel verschillende [Expand]


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