Published: March 5, 2012

Empire style

(Fr. empire - empire) - a style in architecture, arts and crafts and fine arts, the first third of the XIX century. in Europe, the completion of the development of classicism. Empire style emerged in France in the era of Napoleon Bonaparte, and then spread to many other countries.

Distinctive features of this style - the solemnity, grandeur, massiveness of large volumes, the wealth of decoration. The artists who create works in the Empire style drew its inspiration in the elements of the ancient ornaments, but they (as opposed to classical) focused mainly on Greek and Roman antiquity did not. Decor and architectural motifs in the art of empire was repeated in many ways not only to Roman designs, but also ancient Egyptian art, in connection with the Egyptian campaign Bonaparte. The architecture of Empire is characterized by monumental, geometric correctness of the volume and integrity (the triumphal arches, columns, palaces). Ceremonial palace interiors were richly decorated with painted panels, inspired by Pompeian wall paintings, reliefs, resembling Egyptian sphinxes, vases, furniture, and antique bronze type. The decor was often overloaded with arabesques, palmettes, fantastic motives of Etruscan art and the military trappings of Roman origin (armor, shields, swords, crowns, heraldic eagles, etc.). Empire, through the many attributes and symbols of the idea claimed the imperial grandeur.

In the Russian Empire was most prevalent in urban ensembles of the center of St. Petersburg, designed by Carlo Rossi. In Moscow, built in the style of many buildings and residences for projects, and J. Battista, J. Gilardi, and A. Grigoriev. In the Russian Empire sculpture was reflected in a number of monuments, such as the creation of Ivan Martos - a monument to Minin and K. Au. Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow.

By JenKiriakos,  


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