Published: December 24, 2019

Portrait of the wife of the artist Marie-Jeanne Buzot - Francois Boucher

Portrait of the wife of the artist Marie-Jeanne Buzot artist Francois Boucher


The picture of the French painter Francois Boucher "Portrait of the wife of the artist Marie-Jeanne Buzot." The size of the picture is 57 x 68 cm, oil on canvas. This portrait in the interior of the master Rococo’s brush is also known as Madame Boucher. In 1733, Francois Boucher married a seventeen-year-old pretty girl, the beautiful Marie-Jeanne Buzot.

The image of Marie-Jeanne in the future work of Boucher will be present in many paintings of the painter. The artist’s wife served as a model for the numerous goddesses and nymphs created by Boucher in scenes of paintings of mythological subjects, as well as a model in a number of genre paintings.

In 1735, Francois Boucher began to teach the art of drawing and painting at the Royal Academy, first as an assistant to the master, and then as a master of painting. But despite this constant income, the Boucher family was short of money, and most likely, for this reason, in the second half of the 30s of the 18th century, Francois Boucher began working in the genre of theater decoration and in the manufactory in Beauvais, where he created numerous cardboards for carpets.

image: Public domain

By dn,  


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