Published: December 25, 2019

Venus Toilet - Francois Boucher

Venus Toilet - Francois Boucher


Painting of the French artist Francois Boucher "Toilet of Venus." The size of the picture is 108 x 85 cm, oil on canvas.

In addition to many mythological and biblical paintings, landscapes, portraits and genre paintings, Boucher created numerous series of prints, illustrated books by Daniel, Moliere, Boccaccio, Ovid.

The painter worked in many types of decorative and applied art: he created sets for operas and performances, cardboards for royal trellis manufactories; performed ornamental paintings of Sevres porcelain, painted fans, performed miniatures, etc. Francois Boucher was awarded many honors, including the title of court painter. He was actively involved in decorating the residences of the king and the marquise of Jeanne Antoinette de Pompadour, private mansions of Paris.

Favorite of Louis XV Marquis de Pompadour, which Boucher captured in several portraits, was his fan and patroness. In the last years of his life, Francois Boucher was the director of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture and "the first painter of the king." The best paintings of Boucher are distinguished by extraordinary charm and perfect execution.


image: Public domain

By WuDong,  


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