Published: February 26, 2020

What is a Lampshade

Lampshade (FR. — light reflector) — 1) a cap or plate with LAMP (lamp, candle), localizing the flow of light; 2) the window sill and the lintel, much tilted into the room (mostly in BASEMENTS); 3) attached to the outside of the wall and the prison BUILDINGS and open top casing (usually a plank) around the WINDOW of the prison cell to see her only a strip of sky.

The lampshade can be made of different materials, such as glass, plastic, metal, fabric, cardboard, artificial leather. In shape, it can be, for example, a cone, a ball, a paraboloid, a parallelepiped, a cylinder, or any combination of them. One or more lamps can be placed inside the lampshade.

The lampshade can be decorated with various techniques: beading, embroidery, macrame.

By WuDong,  


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