Published: March 5, 2012

Architecture in art and paintings

(Lat. architectura, gr. Archi - principal and tektos - build, build) - architecture, art, design and build. Architecture can express in images of human representation of the world, time, majesty, joy, triumph, loneliness and many other feelings. Perhaps that's why they say that the architecture - it is frozen music. There are three main types of architecture: three-dimensional structures (religious, social, industrial, residential and other buildings); landscape architecture (pavilions, bridges, fountains and stairways for the parks, boulevards, parks), urban development - the creation of new cities, and reconstruction of old ones. Complexes of buildings and open spaces make architectural ensembles. The architect should care about the beauty, usefulness and durability of structures created in other words - the aesthetic, structural and functional quality of the architecture are interrelated.

In different historical periods used a variety of building materials and technologies that significantly affect the creation of architectural designs. The present level of technology, the use of reinforced concrete, glass, plastics and other new materials allow you to create unusual shapes of buildings in the form of a ball, spirals, flowers, shells, swords, etc.

The main means of expression used in architecture, - the volume of plastic, scale, rhythm, proportion and texture and color of surfaces. Monuments reflect the artistic style of the era, like the works of any other art form. His artistic and imaginative side of the architecture is different from a simple construction. Architects create human life for the Arts organized space, which is a possible medium for the synthesis of the arts (see the ensemble). The world-famous monuments and ensembles are stored as symbols of the countries and cities (the pyramids in Egypt, the Acropolis in Athens, the Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, skyscrapers in Chicago, the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, etc.).









Germany architecture
Holland and Dutch

Holland and Dutch

Holland and Dutch architecture


Italian landscapes
Oriental architecture

Oriental architecture



Rural houses

Rural houses

Landscape with house



By JenKiriakos,  


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