4 women's portraits 18th century hall

Portrait of Princess Anna Petrovna :: Adolsky Ivan

Portrait of Princess Anna Petrovna :: Adolsky Ivan - 4 women's portraits 18th century hall ôîòî
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Adolsky Ivan.

After 1740
Oil on canvas. 88,2 x71, 0.

Previously regarded as erroneous image of lead. book. Catherine I, like Groot. Identified on the basis of comparison with the portraits of Anna Petrovna.

Attribution based on a number of similarities scenic techniques confirmed the results of the technical and technological research (ET). Dated GV Dubinin (Moscow), 1740-E's. by the cut dresses and form of earrings, with the assumption that the portrait was written years after the death of Princess, after the accession of Elizabeth, the beloved sister, which was shown. This hypothesis is legitimate, as Anna Petrovna JH Adolsky could portray during his lifetime.

Anna Petrovna (1708-1728) - Princess from 1721 - the crown princess, the eldest daughter of Peter I and Catherine I. Since 1725 - the wife of the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Charles Frederick. The mother of the Emperor Peter III.

Depicted in silver brocade gown and ermine robes, with the star and ribbon of the Order of St. Catherine, with agraphia in the chest, with a diadem of pearls and precious stones, with earrings.

The State Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg

image: Public domain

Submitted by: AnnaDanko

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